Tuesday, August 02, 2005

a new blog

So I've started a new blog. Everything to do with living life. That's what this blog is all about. I'm always pondering how to make life more enjoyable and fulfilled. I haven't found a job I've really liked until recently when I gave birth to my son. I love being a mother and in addition, I love doing odd jobs to entertain me and bring in more money. There's so many things I want to do, learn, and accomplish so I will research and learn as I'm writing about it from time to time. I've defined some areas in life on the sidebar that I'm particularly interested in. I'll define some of those interests here...

Life- breathing is living and doing is being
Create- projects, garden, knitting, sewing
Home- home projects, repairs, design
Health- fitness in general, eating wisely
Food- cooking as well as the joy of eating
Finances- Living frugally, comfortably, and well below my means
Music- finding, creating on my flute, listening, enjoying
Raising Baby Boy- giving needed energy to raising an independent, self-assured, helpful, productive, polite, and talented man.